HACAP Recognizes Lead Poisoning Prevention Week

October 26, 2020

ALL COUNTIES - October 25-31 marks Lead Poisoning Prevention Week here at HACAP in partnership with the Iowa Department of Public Health to bring awareness to families and individuals on the potential risks they might not be aware of when it comes to the harmful effects that lead poising can have on children.

All week long HACAP will posting valuable messages on our Facebook page (like the sample below) for followers to spread the word about #NLPPW2020 and will also be including links to more information on how families can get involved with the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program if they feel their child has come in contact with potential lead poisoning. 

Did you know children’s hands and toys can pick up household dust or exterior soil contaminated by lead? Be sure to move children’s outdoor play areas away from bare soil and the sides of your home. Wet-mop floors and wet-wipe surfaces indoors often to reduce the risk of lead exposure! #NLPPW2020 #leadfreekids

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