5 Simple ways to thank a teacher

Teachers play an essential role in shaping all of our lives. So in honor of National Teacher Appreciation Day, we've come up with 5 simple and fun ways to honor them for their hard work, dedication, and commitment to shaping our children's lives. 

So let's get started by using these 5 simple steps to show our teachers just how much they mean to us! 

1. Handwritten love  

Sometimes, it’s the little things that can go a long way. Have your child participate in writing a special note for their teacher, sharing just how much they mean to them.

2. More coffee please

Their days start early, and they may just need that extra cup of jo. So decorate a mug or surprise them with a small gift card to a local coffee shop!

3. Take to the kitchen

Who doesn't love a gooey chocolate chip cookie? It's an excellent excuse for a family bake-a-thon, plus it's a lot of fun and extra delicious! Plus, these homemade surprises are the perfect gift any day of the year.

4. Gratitude Flowers  

Gratitude flowers are a sweet + simple way to thank a teacher for all the ways they help your little one bloom. Plant an herb or flower in a decorated pot to add extra color to the classroom. Or simply buy a small boquet to brighten their day.

5. Stock the classroom

Let’s face it, every teacher could use more teaching tools, resources, and daily supplies for the classroom! We all know teachers dig in their own pockets to make learning more fun & engaging for kids. Help us stock up the school with cleaning supplies, kleenexes, crayons, markers, etc. Tip: Ask your teacher if they have an amazon wish list you can help fulfull!

A special thank you to all of our amazing Head Start Teachers, we hope your day is as spectacular as you are!

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