Help us Build Stronger Communities

As a community action agency and nonprofit, HACAP relies on monetary donations to run our programs and provide services to the community, which is why your donation matters most. With donations we are able to provide childcare, safe and affordable housing, veteran support, and food security throughout the 9 Eastern Iowa counties we serve. Join us in making an impact today!

Make a Gift Online

Choose from one of our many great initiatives and make your impact felt today. 


Donate by Check

Checks can be mailed to: HACAP, PO Box 490 Hiawatha, IA 52233
*Please place the program or cause you wish to donate to in the memo section.

Planned Giving/Estate Donations

By choosing to include the HACAP Food Reservoir in your estate plans, you can continue helping neighbors in need long into the future. Your estate doesn't have to be large to make a difference. For more information on how you can make a lasting impact, please contact us at

Adopt a Classroom

Help our littlest people in need! Building better communities involves ensuring the success of our children, and the path to a better tomorrow starts with you. If you are looking for a meaningful way to support the youth in your community, we can help. Learn more.


Each year over 2,000 volunteers help HACAP build stronger communities by providing over 11,000 hours of work that we couldn't possibly do on our own. Specific volunteer projects include packing food boxes, reading to children, mulching our Head Start playgrounds, and much more! Fill out a volunteer application here.

Hold a Food Drive

Food donations are important to our Food Reservoir. A food drive increases the awareness of hunger in our community and provides an opportunity to help solve our hunger problems. You can set up a food drive at your school, work, church, or organization to help create change in your community. To get started on holding your own food drive, contact the HACAP Food Reservoir by emailing or call 319-393-7811 (press 2).

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