General Motors Foundation Provides Support to ‘Zero to Three’ Including 22 NEW Science and Engineering Activities

Published: April 15, 2024, 9:40 AM CDT

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa - Thanks to the General Motors Foundation's support of 'Zero to Three', HACAP Head Start benefits by educating children through various STEM activities. This 22-unit curriculum included small group activities, original songs, children’s book suggestions, and parent resources aligned to a set of math objectives spanning 7 numeracy sub-domains.

Problem Solvers is an activity-based early STEM curriculum designed to support the development of science and engineering milestones from 2.5 through age 4 years. 

"I am very excited and impressed with the stem study so far. It is taking a lot of extra work and planning but children are engaged and excited. Parents have mentioned their kids are talking about it at home. The books I've received so are interesting and at a good level for my class. The song was actually the most difficult part this week." - Terra, Head Start Teacher

Children learning that collisions can change motion, sometimes making objects change direction. Bigger pushes make objects go faster and farther. Wind can also push objects.

Another activity children took part in was building ramps and changing the incline to make predictions on outcomes. This activity helps kids find out if pushing an object can start it’s motion.

More information on the General Motors Foundation and Zero to Three can be found at and

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