Mercy’s Health Equity Fund awards HACAP Food Reservoir $20,000

Published: July 26, 2023, 10:42 AM CDT
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa – Mercy Medical Center is pleased to announce that it will be awarding funds from its Health Equity Fund to eight local nonprofit agencies. Mercy’s Health Equity Fund is designed to provide individuals in Linn County and seven surrounding communities with the opportunity to attain full health potential – regardless of social position or other socially defined circumstances – through assistance from local nonprofit organizations.
In total, Mercy received 31 applications for financial support. Of those, the following nonprofits were awarded funds ranging from $12,500 to $25,000 each.
  • Arc of East Central Iowa = $20,000
  • Area Ambulance (with the Linn County Mental Health Access Center) = $20,000
  • Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Dubuque (Cedar Rapids office) = $20,000
  • Feed Iowa First = $20,000
  • HACAP Food Reservoir = $20,000
  • Horizons, A Family Service Alliance = $20,000
  • Iowa Legal Aid = $12,500
  • NewBo City Market = $25,000

“As a locally owned and operated hospital since 1900, Mercy is committed to the health and well-being of the communities we serve,” said Melissa Dean, Mercy’s Director of Health Equity & Community Partnerships. “Mercy recognizes the significant downstream influence of community conditions on an individual’s health. To advance health equity, we are pleased to support and partner with these local organizations that are engaging in strategies to address the root causes of poor health.”

Local organizations that applied for financial support could request funding for programs that focus on: access to behavioral health services; food insecurity; and safe and affordable housing; or in support of individuals experiencing homelessness.

Mercy’s vice president of mission integration will also be offering a blessing at each of the award presentation locations.

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